Tuition exemption and admission fee exemption/deferment

In other languages

I. News

II. Eligibility

Regular undergraduate and graduate students who meet any of the criteria listed below are eligible to apply.

Admission fee exemption

  1. Students with excellent academic records who find it difficult to pay the admission fee due to economic reasons (graduate students only)
  2. Students who find it extremely difficult to pay the admission fee because the individual who is chiefly responsible for their academic expenses (hereafter "Academic Expense Supporter") has passed away, or the students themselves or their Academic Expense Supporter have suffered major damage caused by wind, flood, or other disasters within twelve months prior to matriculation
  3. Students deemed by Kyoto University President to be facing circumstances equivalent to those mentioned in 2

Admission fee deferment

  1. Students with excellent academic records who find it difficult to pay the admission fee due to economic reasons
  2. Students who find it extremely difficult to pay the admission fee because their Academic Expense Supporter has passed away, or the students themselves or their Academic Expense Supporter have suffered major damage caused by wind, flood, or other disasters within twelve months prior to matriculation
  3. Students who find it difficult to pay the admission fee by the due date because of other unavoidable circumstances

Tuition exemption

  1. Students with excellent academic records who find it difficult to pay the tuition fee due to economic reasons
  2. Students who find it difficult to pay the tuition fee because their Academic Expense Supporter has passed away, or the students themselves or their Academic Expense Supporter have suffered major damage caused by wind, flood, or other disasters within six months prior to the payment due date
  3. Students deemed by Kyoto University President to be facing circumstances equivalent to those mentioned in 2


  • Students who have received disciplinary action within six months prior to the start of the semester or at the time of application are ineligible for tuition exemption. If a student receives disciplinary action after applying, the student's application will be invalidated.
  • The above eligibility criteria in English are provided solely for reference purposes. The original explanation in Japanese shall always take precedence over translated versions.
  • International students are deemed to be their own Academic Expense Supporters.

III. Application process (for the first semester of the 2025–2026 academic year)

How to apply

The application process consists of the following steps:

  • Pre-application (required for admission fee exemption/deferment applicants only)
  • Step 1: Data submission (family details) via EOAS* (required for all applicants)
    The application process for tuition exemption begins with this step; the pre-application procedure is required for admission fee exemption/deferment applicants only.
  • Step 2: Application (document submission; required for all applicants)

* EOAS stands for "Exemption Online Application System" and is accessible via Kyoto University Liberal Arts Syllabus Information System (KULASIS).

Read the following guidelines well in advance to ensure that all the necessary documents will be ready and completed in time. Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.

1. Pre-application (required for admission fee exemption/deferment)

New undergraduate students

  Selection process Period Procedure Notes
Pre-application AO Admission During the enrollment process
(by Wednesday 19 February 17:00)
Complete and submit the following form to the applicable office:

Pre-application request form for admission-fee exemption/deferment (undergraduate students)
Admission fee exemption/deferment applicants must complete Steps 1 and 2 after this procedure.
This step is not required for tuition exemption application; those seeking tuition exemption should complete Steps 1 and 2 only.
The admission fee payment deadline is extended for exemption/deferment applicants until the announcement of their application results; applicants do not need to make the payment prior to the announcement date.
General Admission During the enrollment process
(by Friday 14 March 17:00)
Others Specified by each Faculty

New graduate students

  Period Procedure Notes
Pre-application Friday 14 February
the date specified by each Graduate School
Online registration via EOAS

EOAS can be accessed via "Financial aid" on the "New students' site".

Admission fee exemption/deferment applicants must complete Steps 1 and 2 after this procedure.
This step is not required for tuition exemption application; those seeking tuition exemption should complete Steps 1 and 2 only.
Current undergraduate students who are starting a graduate program in the first semester of the 2025-2026 academic year are regarded as "new graduate students".
Please register via the KULASIS top page after 1 April 8:30.
The "New students' site" can be accessed using an ECS-ID issued by each Graduate School as part of the enrollment process. Contact the administrative office of your Graduate School for more details.
The admission fee payment deadline is extended for exemption/deferment applicants until the announcement of their application results; applicants do not need to make the payment prior to the announcement date.

2. Step 1: Data submission (required for tuition exemption and admission fee exemption/deferment)

The tuition exemption application process begins with this step.

  Period Procedure  
Step 1: Data submission Friday 14 March 
12:00 –
Friday 4 April

Notice for new students (including current KyotoU students matriculating in a higher degree program)
The 'New students' site' will close at 17:00 on Friday 28 March for student record updates. In connection with this, Step 1 data submission will be suspended from Friday 28 March 17:00 to Tuesday 1 April 8:30. After this period, EOAS must be accessed via KULASIS instead of the 'New students' site'.
Online registration via EOAS
  1. Login to KULASIS and access EOAS from "Links". An ECS-ID and password are required for login.
  2. Input family details following the on-screen instructions.
  3. Print out the Application Form and List of Required Documents after entering all the required information.
Please prepare the documents listed in the "Application document checklist" before starting Step 1, and input data based on these documents.
Be sure to allow enough time for input as the data cannot be submitted after the designated period.
Step 1 is the same for tuition exemption and admission fee exemption/deferment applications. Applicants for admission fee exemption/deferment must have completed the pre-application procedure prior to this step.
Those who completed Step 1 but did not proceed to Step 2 will be required to make the tuition payment by the regular due date (late May for the first semester, and late November for the second semester). Please note that the admission fee payment policy regarding deadline extension does not apply to tuition exemption applicants.
Current KyotoU students matriculating in a higher degree program must use their new student numbers when logging in to EOAS. Any information entered with a previous student number will be deleted as part of the student record updates.

3. Step 2: Application (required for tuition exemption and admission fee exemption/deferment)

  Period Procedures Notes
Step 2: Application Monday 7 April
9:00 –
Friday 11 April
Document submission
  1. Obtain a submission envelope from the administrative office of your Faculty/Graduate School or the Student Affairs Division.
  2. Enclose your Application Form, List of Required Documents, and all the prepared forms and documents into the envelope and submit it to the applicable office or the Student Affairs Division.
This is the final step of the exemption/deferment application process.
Please check the "List of Required Documents" before submitting the documents.
Step 2 is the same for tuition exemption and admission fee exemption/deferment applications. Step 1 must be completed before Step 2.
The mailed documents must arrive at the office no later than 11 April 17:00.
Submission envelopes will be available at the administrative offices and the Student Affairs Division from 1 April.
If you cannot obtain the designated envelope on campus, please mail the application documents using an envelope that is large enough to take A4 size paper unfolded with "Mailing label" pasted on the front. ("Mailing label" is not necessary if you submit documents in person at the office.)

Notes about tuition exemption application for the second semester

Those who chose "Batch" (collective application for the first and second semesters) when applying for the first-semester tuition exemption must check "EOAS > your application status" during Step 1 of the second-semester exemption application.


Changes to make to the registered information

(As of 1 October)
Procedures in the second semester
Those who chose "Batch" in Step 1 for the first-semester tuition exemption None None
Those who chose "Batch" in Step 1 for the first-semester tuition exemption and have no changes to make to the registered information do not need to register again for the second semester.
Yes Required
Those who need to update the information must login to EOAS and make necessary changes during Step 1. They will also need to submit the application form and required documents containing the updated information in Step 2.
New applicants -- New applicants need to complete the following steps:
  • Pre-application procedure*
    * Required for admission fee exemption/deferment application only
  • Step 1: Data submission (family details/financial situation) via EOAS
  • Step 2: Application (document submission)

Exemption application forms

(Please read the "Application document checklist" to prepare the required forms.)

  Word PDF Applicable person(s)
Form 2 Pay certificate (including the estimated pay) Pay certificate (including the estimated pay)

Salaried employees

For those who became employed or changed jobs on/after 2 January of the previous year, and whose employment status has since remained the same.
Form 2-2 Pasting Sheet for Pay statements Pasting Sheet for Pay statements

Part-time salaried employees

For part-time employees who became employed or changed jobs on/after 2 January of the previous year, substituted together with pay statements for the past three months. Form 2 should be used if at all possible, however.
Form 2-3 Pasting Sheet for the Certificate of Income Pasting Sheet for the Certificate of Income

Salaried employees with a gensen choshu hyo

For those whose place of work has not changed from the previous year, and who have been issued a gensen choshu hyo (certificate of income, or income tax withholding statement).
Form 4 Certificate of Student Status Certificate of Student Status

Specialized training college students

For those enrolled in a specialized training college in Japan, such as the spouse and children.
Form 6 Certificate of Long-Term Care Expenses Certificate of Long-Term Care Expenses

Long-term care patients

For those receiving six (6) or more months of medical treatment, and whose medical expenses for the past 12 months have exceeded 100,000 yen.
Form 7 Report of Self-Financed Livelihood
(Except Privately-Financed International Students)
Report of Self-Financed Livelihood
(Except Privately-Financed International Students)
Self-Financed Livelihood
(Except Privately-Financed International Students)
Form 8-1
/ 8-2
International Student Record
Privately-Financed International Student Record Privately-financed international students
Form 9 Report of Scholarship Report of Scholarship Scholarship recipients (excluding student loan recipients)
Forms 10-1 and 10-2 Reasons for Staying at University Beyond Minimum Years (10-1)

Reasons for Staying at University Beyond Minimum Years (10-2)
Form for uploading Form 10-1

For details on how to submit these forms, click here.

Those who are repeating an academic year, and have been enrolled in a program beyond the standard number of years required for completion

  • Form 10-1 must be submitted in both digital and paper formats. Digital submissions must be made using the "Form for uploading Form 10-1" on the left.
  • Form 10-2 (with a "Supervisor’s comments on the statement" field) does not need to be submitted in a digital format. Please submit it in a paper format in Step 2 together with Form 10-1.
Form 11 Pasting Sheet for all sorts of documents Pasting Sheet for all sorts of documents

For those using A4-size or smaller documents (not required for documents larger than A4)

Form 13 Tutor (expected) pay certificate Tutor (expected) pay certificate Tutors
Mailing label Mailing label (For submission of Step 2 documents) Mailing label
(For submission of additional documents)
If you wish to send documents by mail, paste this label on the envelope.

IV. Results

1. Result announcement date

  • Around late July for the first semester
  • Around late January for the second semester

2. Announcement method

Results will be announced on EOAS.

Each student is responsible for checking the results and payment requirements during the specified period.

3. Fee payment in the case of half or no exemption granted

Admission fee

  • A money transfer request form will be sent for payment. Please use this form to transfer the fee to the specified bank account by the due date (see below).
  • Important: Failure to make payment by the deadline will result in the revocation of student status.
Payment deadlines
If not granted any deferment/exemption Within 14 days of the announcement date
If granted a deferment Matriculating in April: Last business day of August
Matriculating in October: Last business day of February of the following year

Tuition fee

  • If your bank account is set up for automatic tuition payments, make sure that it will have sufficient funds on the due date to cover the payment.
    If not, make the payment using the money transfer request form mailed by the University.
  • The payment deadline will be displayed on the result screen on EOAS.


  • Should you receive disciplinary action, or should any of the information you provided in your application be found to be false, any deferment/exemption granted will be revoked.
  • An exemption for the NHK reception fee is now available to students who meet certain conditions. The following webpage, although in Japanese, contains details:
    学生を対象とした免除・割引制度 | NHK受信料の窓口

VI. Translation disclaimer

This brief explanation in English is provided solely for reference purposes. The original explanation in Japanese shall always take precedence over translated versions.

To view information about tuition exemption in Japanese, click here.

VII. Contact

Read the following before making inquiries:
Frequently Asked Questions

For inquiries, visit the Student Affairs Division or send an email to 840menjo* (replacing * with @).

Please be sure to include your student ID number, name, and mobile number in your email, otherwise you will not receive a response.

Contact will be made by phone or email.

Student Affairs Division, Kyoto University

Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 JAPAN
Phone: 075-753-2532
Fax: 075-753-2563
Email: 840menjo* (replace * with @)