Returning after completing a program

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Follow-up services for former international students by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

Follow-up research fellowship

This fellowship extends an opportunity to researchers who are currently active in education, research, or government in their home countries/regions to conduct short-term research with an academic advisor at a university in Japan.

The maximum length of stay is 90 consecutive days. Round-trip air ticket, living allowance, travel expenses for research, etc. are provided.

Conditions for eligibility are as follows: 1. Having the nationality of a country in the region of Asia, Central and South America, Middle East, or Africa, etc. 2. Being under 45 years old, and it has been at least 5 years since returning from Japan.

Details are available at faculty/graduate school offices.

Follow-up research guidance

JASSO offers a program to sponsor the dispatch of research advisors to visit former international students who are currently engaged in education or research at schools in their home countries to provide advice and academic support.

Details are available at faculty/graduate school offices.

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) (external link)

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Moving out of a rented house/apartment

Before moving out of a rented house/apartment, give the landlord or the real estate company at least one month's notice in advance. If the notice is given at the last minute, the next month's rent will be charged.

Clean the room thoroughly and return it to its original condition, otherwise repair fees will be deducted from the deposit (shiki-kin). If the room is in an unusual severe condition, additional expenses may be required. Contact the City/Ward Office to arrange for the disposal of large-scale garbage such as household furniture, futons, bicycle, etc.

According to law, air-conditioners, TVs, washing machines, refrigerators, and computers cannot be disposed of as large-scale garbage. Contact the shop where the appliance was purchased, electronic stores, or the manufacturer to arrange for disposal. In all cases, a disposal fee will be charged.

Disposal of Large-scale Garbage

  • Kyoto City Oversized Refuse Collection Center (Ogata Gomi Uketsuke Center)
    Phone: 0120-000-530 (toll-free)
    0570-000-247 (by cell phone)
  • Uji City Hall (Gomi Genryo Suishin-ka/Jigyo-ka)
    Phone: 0774-20-8762

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Settlement of utility bills

Do not forget to settle electricity, gas, water, telephone and other utility bills by contacting the respective companies several days before moving out.

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Closure of accounts

Close bank or postal savings accounts at respective service counters after making sure all debts are paid (especially those who have arranged for the automatic deduction of utility bills from their bank/postal saving accounts).

Required items

  1. Resident Card (Alien Registration Card) or Passport
  2. Personal seal (Inkan), Stamp
    (if used when opening the account)
  3. Passbook

Open hours

Mon–Fri 9:00–15:00 (except on holidays)
Post Office:
Mon–Fri 9:00–16:00 (except on holidays)

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Cancelling Kyoto University Co-op membership (Co-op members only)

The cancellation procedure is accepted only at the main office (in shop Renais) on Yoshida Campus. The entire membership fee (4,000 yen for international students) will be returned to the cardholder.

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Procedures at the City/Ward Office

International students leaving Japan after completing their study programs must complete the following procedures at the appropriate sections of their City/Ward Office once their departure date has been decided.

Required items:

  1. Passport
  2. Resident Card (or Alien Registration Card)
  3. National Health Insurance Card
  4. National Pension Handbook (if enrolled in the National Pension Scheme)

Notification of Moving Out

First of all, a Notification of Moving-Out must be submitted to the resident registration counter. This procedure should be completed before you apply for a cost-adjustment of the NHI and withdrawal from the National Pension System (see below).

Cost-adjustment of National Health Insurance

The payment of the National Health Insurance (NHI) premium is divided into ten installments per year. International students leaving Japan must apply for cost-adjustment of their premiums at the NHI section of their City/Ward Office. The NHI expiration date will be modified to be valid until the time of departure.

Withdrawal from National Pension System (if enrolled in the National Pension Scheme)

The cancellation procedures must be done at the National Pension System (NPS) section of the City/Ward Office. Those who satisfy the conditions (e.g. having paid the pension premiums over six months) can file for a partial reimbursement of their premiums. For further details, please refer to the Japanese Pension Service website or visit the NPS section of your municipal office.

Japan Pension Service (external link)

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Apostille & authentification by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Apostille certificates and official stamps from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs are used to certify the authenticity of documents issued in Japan so that their validity can be recognized in other countries.

Some students may wish to get such certification on Kyoto University certificates such as diplomas, transcripts, and health certificates.

The procedure and the certification required vary depending on the place of submission. In some cases, the documents may have to be certified by your national embassy/consulate in Japan (consular certification). Those requiring certification should confirm in advance what type of certification is necessary with the institution to which the documents will be submitted or with your national embassy in Japan.

Please be aware that the procedures cannot begin until the actual documents (e.g. diplomas, certificates of degree conferred, or graduation certificates) have been issued after the commencement ceremony, and that it takes some time to obtain the certification. It is important, therefore, to confirm the required certification in advance.

Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Japanese language only) (external link)

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Returning Resident Card (or Alien Registration Card) at departing port

When leaving Japan after completing your program, return your Resident Card (Alien Registration Card) to the customs officer at the departing port, e.g. Kansai International Airport.

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Lists of procedures required of international students leaving the University (graduation, withdrawal, etc)

There are different sets of procedures required of those leaving Japan and those staying in the country following their departure from Kyoto University. For details, please read either one of the following PDF documents.

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