Leave of absence, readmission, and withdrawal

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Students seeking a leave of absence, readmission, or withdrawal should consult with their academic advisor first, then conduct the necessary procedures at their faculty/graduate school offices.

Important: Notices for International Students

Request for temporary leave of absence

Those who take more than three months leave from the University for reasons of sickness or injury must submit a request to their faculty/graduate school offices. A medical certificate must be attached in the case of sick leave. To extend the period of absence, students must submit an extension request before the original period expires.

If a student takes a leave of absence from the beginning of a semester, the tuition for the semester will not be charged. Full semester tuition must be paid when a student takes leave in the middle of a semester. However, in case students take a leave of absence in the middle of the first month of the semester (April/October), while tuition for that month is charged, tuition for the rest of the months of the semester is exempted. When a student returns in the middle of a semester, tuition for the elapsed month(s) of the semester is exempted.


Students who are on leaves of absence due to sickness and who wish to resume attendance before the end of their granted period of leave must submit the following to their faculty/graduate school office: an "Application for Interview to Resume University Attendance" (designated by the Student Support Center, Student Support and Disability Resources Organization ["Agency for Student Support and Disability Resources"]), a Kyoto University Readmission Request, and a medical certificate from a primary physician.

In the case of non-medical leave, returning to the University early requires the submission of a Readmission Report, without which the student would be treated as having been absent throughout the granted period of leave.

Points to be aware of when taking a leave of absence/being readmitted to the University

According to the Immigration Control and Refugee Control Act, if holders of "College Student" resident status have not undertaken study and/or research activities for three consecutive months or more (ie if they take a leave of absence from the University for any reason), unless they a have legitimate reason to stay in Japan (hospitalization, etc 1 ), they must leave Japan promptly or change their resident status if they plan to remain in Japan. Failing to abide these laws may plan result in a revocation of resident status. It is prohibited to work part-time while taking temporary leave of absence from the University.

It is possible for international students on a leave of absence to return to Japan for readmission after completing readmission procedures if the students have a valid status of residence in Japan. Students intending to take a leave of absence should check the term of validity of their status of residence and whether they need a re-entry permit before leaving Japan (please refer to the section entitled "Temporary departure from Japan and re-entry" ). Those whose period of stay expires while they are abroad are required to obtain a College Student Visa through a Japanese diplomatic mission overseas. For information on the items required to apply for the visa, please contact the appropriate Japanese diplomatic mission.

1 A leave of absence from the University for financial reasons is not approved as a legitimate reason by the Immigration Bureau.

Withdrawal request

Students must submit a withdrawal request and have it approved before withdrawing from the University. Students withdrawing without doing so will continue to be considered as registered, and will continue to be charged tuition, etc.

Those who submit a request in April for a withdrawal during the first semester or one in October for a withdrawal during the second will be exempted from tuition on a monthly basis from the month following their withdrawal date. However, tuition fees will still be charged for the remainder of that semester in the case where students have already been granted a leave of absence for a period including April and ending before the end of the first semester, or one including October and ending before the end of the second.

Revision of regulations regarding withdrawal of students delinquent in tuition payment (23 July 2019)

Effective 23 July 2019, Kyoto University revised its regulations concerning withdrawal of students who have not fully paid their tuition fees. The revised policies are as follows:

  1. The University will accept withdrawal requests from students who have not fully paid their tuition fees (except from those studying to complete a doctoral program with no degree yet awarded).
  2. Credits earned by withdrawing students, during a period in which they did not fully pay their tuition, will not be certified. However, if such tuition is paid at a later date, certification will be granted.

Please note that even after a request for withdrawal has been accepted by the University, students will continue to be responsible for the payment of any outstanding tuition fees.

Points to be aware of when withdrawing from the University

"College Student" resident status is only valid while the holder is attending the school. Even if the period of residence status is valid, those who withdraw from the University must notify the Immigration Bureau of their withdrawal within 14 days of withdrawing. They must then return to their home countries, or change their resident status if they will remain in Japan. Failing to abide by the law may result in a revocation or resident status.

Quick reference for procedures

Notices for International Students