Specified pathogens control

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Possession of specified pathogens requires notification or application to either the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare or Kyoto University's executive vice-president for research standards, depending on the class of pathogens involved, as do any changes in relevant details, including discontinuation of possession.

Notifications/applications must be made to the health minister in the case of Class 1, 2, and 3 pathogens, and to the KyotoU EVP in the case of Class 4.

Kyoto University regulations pertaining to pathogens

Kyoto University Regulations Regarding the Control of Pathogens, etc.
(Order No 78 of 4 February 2008)

Laws and regulations regarding specified pathogens and related agents

Procedures at Kyoto University

Office Procedure Manual for Specified Pathogens, etc. (employee use only)

Required forms

Class 2 and 3 pathogens

Forms listed under "4 各種様式” at the following Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare webpage:

Management and Control of Specified Pathogens Under the Infectious Disease Control Law (in Japanese)

Class 4 pathogens

Forms available via the following links (employee use only):

Related links