Research integrity training

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FY2024 training

In accordance with the Kyoto University Action Plan for the Promotion of Research Integrity, the University is promoting knowledge and understanding of research ethics, including through training that in FY2024 is being implemented in the form of an ‘APRIN e-learning program (eAPRIN)’. APRIN is the Association for the Promotion of Research Integrity, which has been offering educational materials and study sessions on related topics since 2016.

Research integrity training must be taken at least once per specified three-year period. FY2024 is the first year of one such period, making the current program mandatory for all faculty members and researchers, including those who received training in FY2023 or earlier.

For graduate students, details of the training, including their e-learning accounts, are provided via email at the time of matriculation. Ethics training opportunities for graduate students also include the e-Learning Courses on Research Ethics (eL CoRE), offered by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). These can be taken following tutorials or as part of the liberal arts and general education curriculum. Graduate students are required to take at least one ethics e-learning course during their enrollment as per instructions from their academic advisors.

The training program is not mandatory for undergraduate and non-regular students (including research and auditing students) and non-research staff. It is, however, highly recommended for everyone and is required of all those expecting to co-author an academic paper.

How to take an e-learning course

Visit the eAPRIN website below and log in to the system with your username and password.

APRIN e-learning program (eAPRIN)

For further details, refer to either of the following manuals, each intended for a specific user category:

See also:
Research Integrity Training (eAPRIN) FAQ (in English)

Who is required to receive training?

Please see the Research Integrity Training (eAPRIN) FAQ for details of the specific job titles of faculty/researchers who are required to receive the training.

Account and password

  • Those required to take the "京都大学研究倫理・研究公正コース (Kyoto University Research Ethics and Integrity Course) (2024)" will have their eAPRIN accounts set up by the Research Promotion Department, so that they will not need to register by themselves.
  • Those who have had their eAPRIN accounts newly set up will receive an email containing the registered information (including their initial password) at their KUMail/KUMOI address. This email will have the following sender and subject line.
    - Sender: no-reply* (where * will be @)
    - Subject: APRIN eラーニングプログラム(eAPRIN): [eAPRIN]アカウント発行のお知らせ/Your Account
    Those whose accounts were registered during or before March 2020 and who forgot their password are advised to refer to the Research Integrity Training e-Learning (eAPRIN) Manuals.

Availability to those not required to take the training

Students, faculty, and staff for whom the training is not mandatory (such as undergraduate students, non-regular students, and faculty and staff without an SPS-ID) may apply to take the course by emailing the information required for account registration (specified below) to the Research Integrity Division (see Contact below).

Information required for account registration
  1. Name in kanji, if available
  2. Name in Roman letters
  3. Department (or institution in the case of external students)
  4. Title/status (including the year of study in the case of students)
  5. Email address (preferably a KUMail/KUMOI address, but a departmental address issued by the University may also be used; a personal email address can be accepted if neither is available.)
  6. Names of the research project and of its representative


Research Integrity Division, Kyoto University Office of Research Acceleration
Email: integrity-el* (replace * with @)