iThenticate plagiarism checker

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In order to prevent misconduct in academic writing, and in accordance with its Action Plan for the Promotion of Research Integrity, in 2015 the University introduced an plagiarism checker, iThenticate, for use by eligible researchers.

In July 2021, the University expanded the eligibility for the service while also removing the usage limit of 20 manuscripts per year per user to further facilitate use.

What is iThenticate?

iThenticate is a plagiarism checker that verifies the originality of research work by comparing it with existing published information (full-text academic database).

See the following for more details:

iThenticate | products | Turnitin

Who is eligible to use iThenticate?

iThenticate is available to faculty members and researchers (excluding graduate students) -- ie those required to take part in the University's research integrity e-learning programs.

The following categories of JSPS fellows may also use iThenticate: RD, RPD, SPD, and CPD.

Please see the "FAQ on Research Integrity Training" for a list of specific employment positions eligible to use iThenticate.

How to use iThenticate

Those wishing to use iThenticate must apply in advance by emailing the details below to the Research Integrity Division (address below). Please note that if there are a large number of applications, it may take several days to process your application.

Information required for application:

  • Name (in Chinese/Japanese characters)
  • Name (in Roman letters)
  • Department of affiliation
  • Job title
  • SPS-ID or ECS-ID
  • University-wide email address (ending with "" or "")
  • Contact email address (can be omitted if same as above)

Submit applications to:

Research Integrity Division, Kyoto University Office of Research Acceleration

Email: integrity-el* (replace * with @)

Those whose email address domain is "", and who are not JSPS fellows, must have their eligibility verified annually by the department with which they are affiliated (or related). Those applicable are advised to consult the relevant departmental section, which will submit the application on their behalf.

iThenticate usage procedures

Please log in via the dedicated Kyoto University iThenticate login site using the username and password you registered when you created your account.

For further details, please refer to:
How to use iThenticate (in English)


  • There is no limit on the number of academic papers that can be checked with iThenticate.
  • The types of documents that can be checked using iThenticate are limited to academic papers, etc, written based on research activities undertaken at the University (including dissertations and reports by graduate students submitted to the user for evaluation).
  • iThenticate is not available to those who have retired from the University, or otherwise lost their eligibility.
  • Similarities in non-text data, including image data, cannot be checked using iThenticate.
  • A high similarity rating does not necessarily indicate plagiarism. Evaluation results should be used as an aid in checking for issues with citations, the originality of the research described, and other aspects of the manuscript.
  • The University may ask you to complete a survey about your experience with and opinions on iThenticate. The survey results will be used for decisions on matters such as whether to extend the service contract and/or expand eligibility. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


Inquiries can be made in either English or Japanese by emailing to:
Turnitin Support
tiisupport* (replace * with @)