
About Kyoto University Alumni (KUA)


Since its establishment at the end of the 19th century, Kyoto University has had numerous alumni associations formed to serve the graduates of its individual faculties, graduate schools, institutes, and academic programs. Kyoto University Alumni (KUA) was formed in November 2006 as the first University-wide alumni association. As a loosely-knit umbrella organization, KUA aims to facilitate cooperation among the faculty, graduate school, regional, and other alumni associations with a view to contributing to the University's overall development.


KUA aims to promote exchange and friendship among all KU alumni so as to contribute to the University's overall development.

KUA hosts an annual homecoming day as an opportunity for former students to enjoy a day back at their alma mater, while regional alumni associations hold lecture meetings, social gatherings, and leisure and sports activities for those based in their respective regions and countries.

  1. Alumni associations for faculties, graduate schools, institutes, and academic programs
    Many of these associations are open to both former and current students and employees. Members will automatically belong to KUA.
  2. Regional alumni associations in Japan
    Many of these associations hold general meetings and lectures by KU researchers. They also collaborate with the University to assist local communities with the organization of lecture events so as to help disseminate cutting-edge research discoveries to the rest of society.
  3. Regional alumni associations overseas
    Kyoto University annually welcomes students and researchers from more than 100 countries, and has numerous alumni associations overseas founded and run by those who have studied or worked there. There are also associations run by Japanese expatriates. KUA assists these groups with the organization of symposia and other events where local alumni can meet and network.

Benefits of membership in a regional alumni association

Regional alumni associations bring together former students of different faculties and graduate schools for open exchanges of insights and opinions. Knowledge gained through such interdisciplinary encounters may help members better navigate today's globally-oriented and diverse society or expand their horizons.

Additionally, by collaborating with Kyoto University and utilizing its wealth of resources, regional associations can support members' career success and contribute, ultimately, to community, national, and global development.

Fostering bonds

KUA is committed to fostering bonds among alumni across Japan and throughout the world, as well as between alumni and the University, so that it may contribute to its members' career building and the University's ongoing development.