Professor Yasuyuki Kono

Professor Yasuyuki Kono is Kyoto University's Vice-President for International Strategy, and Director of iSO-KU, formerly Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (2014–2018).
Professor Kaoru Kitajima

Professor Kaoru Kitajima is the Vice-Director of the International Strategy Office, the Vice-Dean of the Graduate School of Agriculture, and the Director of Kyoto University North American Center.
Dr Kaoru Kitajima is a forest ecologist, with approximately 40 years of research experience in tropical America, Asia, and Africa. As vice-director of Kyoto University's International Strategy Office, she assists the director and oversees the University's North American Center (2022‒current).
Kyoto University Overseas Centers Directors
Dr Eiji Nawata

Dr Eiji NAWATA is the Director of the Kyoto Univers i ty ASEAN Center and Professor of the Graduate School of Agriculture. He is committed to work towards the constructive and sustainable relationships with universities and academic institutions in the ASEAN region, and is doing his best to support various activities of students and colleagues.
Contact information:
- Email: asean-bangkok* (replace * with @ )
- Tel: (Bangkok office) +66-(0)2-664-0060
Professor Kaoru Kitajima
Professor Kaoru Kitajima is the Director of the Kyoto University North American Center.
Contact information:
- Email: northamericancenter* (replace * with @)
- Kyoto University North American Center
Professor Mika Yokoyama
Prof Mika Yokoyama is the Director of the Kyoto University European Center.
Contact information:
- Email: heidelberg* (replace * with @)
- Kyoto University European Center
KURA (Kyoto University Research Administration Center)
MA Chiyoko Kanno

Chiyoko Kanno is a senior research administrator (URA) and leader of the International Group at Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA). She is mainly in charge of European affairs and serves as deputy director of the European Center in Heidelberg, Germany. Together with partner universities and institutions, she is engaged in building and expanding networks in Europe to foster research exchange and encourage mobility.
Contact information:
- Email: kanno.chiyoko.3c* (replace * with @)
- Tel: +81.(0)75.753.5740
Dr Taro Sonobe

Dr Taro Sonobe is a research administrator and sub-leader of the International Group at Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA), where he has been working as an URA since 2007. Currently, he is also a member of Provost-Office at Kyoto University and a deputy director at the Kyoto University ASEAN Center in Bangkok.
Contact information:- Email: sonobe.taro.7m* (replace * with @)
- Tel: +81.(0)75.753.5179
Ms Chisato Saito

Chisato Saito is a research administrator at Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA). She is in charge of supporting international academics and students with grant applications. Concurrently she serves as a deputy director of the Kyoto University ASEAN Center in Bangkok. Together with partner institutes in the ASESAN region, she promotes international exchange through workshops, exhibitions, symposia, and lab tours, where she communicates effectively with people of various backgrounds and disciplines.
Contact information
- Email: c-saito* (replace * with @)
- Tel: +81.(0)75.753.5179