学術情報メディアセンターセミナー 「多言語・多文化教育とICT活用」

学術情報メディアセンターセミナー 「多言語・多文化教育とICT活用」








学術情報メディアセンター 南館2階 202マルチメディア講義室






京都大学 学術情報メディアセンター 壇辻 正剛
TEL: 075-753-9040
E-Mail: mdantsuji*media.kyoto-u.ac.jp (*を@に変えてください)


京都大学 学術情報メディアセンター





講演者 佐々木嗣也(バルイラン大学(イスラエル) ユダヤ学部ヘブライ・セム語学科上級講師)
講演題目 Application of Computing to Jewish Studies(ユダヤ学へのコンピュータ利用)
講演概要 本講演では、日本ではまだ馴染みの薄いユダヤ学へコンピュータがどのような形で利用されているかを概観する。初めに背景知識として、ユダヤ学とは何であり、どのような研究分野を含むのか、ユダヤ学の諸分野における原典言語・研究言語としてのヘブライ語の重要性、ヘブライ語のコンピュータ処理における諸問題を簡単に説明する。本論では、オンライン・オフラインを問わずコンピュータ化された代表的な研究資料および研究文献、ならびにユダヤ学に従事する研究者の世界的規模でのオンライン・ネットワークをユダヤ学の分野ごとに紹介する。


講演者 Georgios Georgiou(京都大学 人間・環境学研究科 博士後期課程)
壇辻正剛(京都大学 学術情報メディアセンター 教授)
坪田康(京都大学 学術情報メディアセンター 助教)
講演題目 ICT use in Greek language education -a speaking activity at Kyoto University-
講演題目  It has been a long-held belief that Japanese students do not fare well at foreign languages. Although their reading abilities seem to suffice for mere extraction of information, they often have difficulty when it comes to communicative skills. In the past few years the government has tried to address the issue with a new reform focusing on the development of learners’communicative abilities. However, due to the fact that foreign language education in the country has been primarily grammar-centered for decades, grammar-translation methodologies seem to be the norm rather than the exception. As a result, students rarely get the opportunity to practice speaking or listening in class, and consequently fare rather poorly at those skills. Moreover, they rarely have the opportunity to come into contact with foreign languages other than some major ones, mainly English. In response to this, we introduced a less commonly taught language, Modern Greek, to a class of undergraduate students at Kyoto University in a speaking activity using HTML materials we created. Greek is a fairly complex language to learn with complex morphology, such as diverse plural markings, and a different word order from Japanese. It also makes use of a different writing system and phonological rules from what Japanese students are used to either in their own language or English. However, its connection to a certain extent with English, especially in terms of vocabulary, could prove helpful to learners who would be interested to study it. The intent of the particular activity was to introduce the students to Modern Greek in a way that would focus on speaking with the use of ICT technology. The students were asked to make their own self-introductions and then record them on video using iPod nano digital devices

※Georgios Georgiou氏、壇辻正剛氏、坪田康氏の講演は英語ですが通訳等はありません。
