Call for applications: 2016 collaboration at the Institute for Research in Humanities


1. Background and purpose

In 2010, with the cooperation and participation of related research communities, the Kyoto University Institute for Research in Humanities established a Center for Pluridisciplinary Joint Research in Humanities, a Joint Usage/Research Center focused on offering resources and opportunities for collaboration in the humanities. Through these services, the Center aims to promote research on development, transformation, and interaction across diverse cultures, as can be observed from a global perspective, helping generate insights contributing to the realization of a harmonious global society.

As part of this mission, the Institute and the Center are inviting applications for collaborative research projects to be led by non-affiliated researchers, as detailed below.

2. Qualifying projects

In order to qualify, a project must be in line with the above purpose and designed to make use of the Institute's document archives and support staff.

3. Eligibility

An applicant must hold a fulltime or part-time teaching or research position at an academic or research institution, such as a university, either in Japan or overseas, or be deemed by the Director of the Institute to have equivalent qualifications. Japanese citizenship is not a requirement.

4. Research projects

  1. Defining "collaborative research"
    Successful applicants and their teams are expected to carry out their research in a manner consistent with "collaborative research" ( kyodo kenkyu ) projects as defined by the Institute. Details of ongoing collaborative research projects can be found on the Institute's website ( ), while summaries of earlier efforts are available in the Institute's annual publications -- Toyo Gakuho , Zinbun Gakuho (in Japanese), and Zinbun (in English).
  2. Project leader and members
    The applicant must serve as the leader (representative) of the collective research project, while team members (participants) do not need be researchers or educators. Master's students may participate in a supporting capacity, but are ineligible for reimbursement of travel and other expenses.
  3. Deputy leader from the Institute
    An Institute faculty member shall participate in each project as a deputy leader to offer research and administrative assistance. Applicants may request the Institute to recommend a deputy leader who might be suitable for their projects.
  4. Seminars
    Accepted teams are required to hold five to ten seminars ( kenkyu-kai ) each year at the Institute.
  5. Overseas travel
    Members of projects that involve ongoing international collaboration may visit their overseas partner institutions for discussion and research; they are not allowed to travel outside Japan for any other purpose, including for field trips.
  6. Duration
    The project term is three years beginning April 2017. Projects, however, may be terminated earlier if their status, as reported annually by their leaders in writing or at debriefing sessions (see 9. Reporting and debriefing), is judged to be unsatisfactory by the collaborative research committee. The project term may not, in principle, be extended.
  7. Presentation and publication
    Accepted teams may be asked to present their interim and/or final results at relevant symposia, or have the Center publish them online or in print.
  8. International symposia
    Teams may apply to organize international symposia as part of their projects with funding from the Center.
  9. Reporting and debriefing
    At the end of each fiscal year, project leaders are required to submit an annual report detailing their teams' activities and achievements to date. At the end of the project term, leaders will be required to submit a final report to the Center directorship. All teams, in principle, will be required to present their reports at annual debriefing sessions, held in December as opportunities for publicizing research achievements.
  10. Book publication
    Teams that have compiled a collection of research papers as part of their projects will be asked to submit manuscripts to the Center. They may apply to have such papers published in book form with funding from the Center.

5. Budget and expenses

The 2017-2018 project budget will be 1,000,000 to 1,200,000 yen. Budget requests are accepted on an annual basis. The project budget is intended to cover joint seminars ( kyodo kenkyu-kai ) to be held in Japan, and, as necessary, international collaboration.

In planning their projects (as per Form 2), applicants should take into consideration the size of the available budget as well as the following:

  • The team should be of an appropriate size for the project.
  • Teams may obtain and use funding from external sources for their projects.
  • Domestic joint seminars ( kyodo kenkyu-kai ) should, in principle, be held in the Center's joint-use facilities (seminar, meeting, and collaborative research rooms in the Institute's Main Building and at the Center for Informatics in East Asian Studies).
  • The project budget may be used for visiting overseas project partners for discussion and research, but not for traveling abroad for other purposes.
  • Expenses for honoraria ( shakin ) may be used to pay for research assistance, translation work, lectures, and other contributions.
  • With all expense items, the budget must be used in accordance with the rules pertaining to Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) projects and applicable Kyoto University regulations. In the event of a decrease or increase of more than 30% in an expense item, the reason for the discrepancy must be explained in writing to the Center Director.

6. How to apply

Application procedure

Applicants must complete three forms -- Form 1 (application form), Form 2 (project details), and Form 3 (candidates for team membership) -- and email them, together with a CV and list of research achievements, to the address below. All documents must be in either Japanese or English. Applicants will receive a reply email from the Joint Usage/Research Center within two business days acknowledging receipt; those who do not are advised to contact the Center by phone (see below).

Prospective applicants are urged to ensure in advance that they are permitted under the regulations of their organizations to lead their proposed research projects (as the representatives of their teams). They are also advised to obtain prior consent from the heads of their organizations or departments. Successful applicants will be asked to submit a letter of consent (Form 4) signed and stamped by the heads of their organizations or departments.

Application documents

  1. 申請書 (Application form, Form 1)
  2. 研究計画書 (Project details, Form 2)
  3. 班員名簿 (Candidates for team membership, Form 3)
  4. 承諾書 (Consent letter, Form 4 (same as Form 1))
  5. 履歴書・研究業績等一覧 (Applicant's CV and list of research achievements)

Application deadline

Application documents must be received on or before Friday 30 September 2016.

Where to apply

Joint Usage/Research Center, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 JAPAN
Phone: 075-753-6904
Email: project* (Please replace * with @)

7. Selection

Applications shall be screened by the Center's collaborative research committee and executive committee, comprised of experts from the Center and Kyoto University as well as representatives of relevant academic communities. Final decisions shall be made at an Institute faculty meeting.

8. Notification of results

Applicants will be notified by the end of December 2016.

9. Inquiries

General Affairs Division, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
Phone: 075-753-6902 / Fax: 075-753-6903
Email: project* (Please replace * with @)