J-PARC Center Kyoto University Branch opens (22 February 2017)


On 22 February, Kyoto University and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) based on a basic agreement on promoting collaboration and cooperation concluded in 2010 to strengthen academic cooperation, and opened J-PARC Center Kyoto University Branch in the KEK Tokai Building No1.

Professor Nagahiro Minato, KU's executive vice-president for research, planning, and hospital administration, and Dr Yasuhiro Okada, executive-director of KEK, signed the memorandum. The signing ceremony took place at J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) Center, which is co-operated by KEK and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA).

Dr Okada then delivered a presentation on the J-PARC Center's innovative research, which has been exploring the diversity and the origin of materials, as well as creating new research avenues through the use of the high-intensity beam. Dr Naohito Saito, director of J-PARC Center, also delivered a presentation entitled "Connecting the globe with the high-intensity beams!: For commemorating the opening of J-PARC Center Kyoto University Branch". He expressed the hope of widening the scope of research ranging from the basic science to industrial application, and promoting human resource development through the further cooperation between J-PARC and KU.

Presentations on research activities, in which KU researchers are playing key roles, were presented in "Major contribution KU is making for J-PARC", and included: "T2K experiment at J-PARC Neutrino Experimental Facility" and "KOTO experiment searching for a kaon rare decay mode" by Professor Tsuyoshi Nakaya of the Graduate School of Science; and "Hypernuclear experiment at the Hadron Experimental Facility" and "Hadron experiment" by Professor Tomofumi Nagae. The speakers highlighted the benefit of having a KU branch as a "home ground" at the J-PARC Center in producing new collaborative endeavors.

After the signing ceremony, a tour took place to see the J-PARC's facilities including the Hadron Experimental Facility, the Material and Life Experimental Facility (MLF), and the Neutrino Experimental Facility. At MLF, Dr Toshiharu Kanaya, head of the MLF division and former professor at KU's Institute for Chemical Research, delivered a brief explanation on the innovative research achievements produced by equipment built in cooperation with KU.

At the end of the tour, the participants moved to the KEK Tokai Building No1, and saw EVP Minato putting up a signboard for the Kyoto University Branch.

Director Saito delivering a presentation

EVP Minato and Dr Okada signing MoU

Briefing on equipment at the Hadron Experimental Facility

Dr Kanaya explaining equipment configuration

Tour of the Neutrino Experimental Facility, which is connected with Super-Kamiokande

EVP Minato putting up the signboard of the KU Branch