KyotoU Venture Fund I portfolio company to be listed on Mothers of Tokyo Stock Exchange (5 September 2018)


On 5 September, a portfolio company of Kyoto University Venture Fund I (KUVF1) was approved for listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange's Mothers (acronym for "market of the high-growth and emerging stocks"). The company, Delta-Fly Pharma Inc (Head office: Tokushima City, President and Founder: Kiyoshi Eshima), is slated to go public on Friday 12 October 2018.

KUVF I was launched 22 May 2007 by KyotoU and Nippon Venture Capital Co Ltd (NVCC), with the aim of providing multidimensional support to venture businesses connected to the University. It raises funds from institutional and cooperate investors, and invest them in related businesses, such as those established by KyotoU faculty, with the goal of promoting application and commercialization of the University's intellectual resources.

Delta-Fly Pharma Inc is a developer of anti-cancer agents with a mission to “provide patients with refractory/intractable cancers with easily tolerable treatment options utilizing module technologies from across the world". The company's proprietary “Module Drug Discovery” process sees each drug as comprised of "modules", and searches for efficacious and safe combinations, so as to achieve high development efficiency.

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