EVP Kawazoe heads delegation to the Philippines (20–23 February 2018)


A Kyoto University delegation headed by Professor Shinsuke Kawazoe (Executive Vice-President for Student Affairs and Library Services) visited the Philippines on 20–23 February 2018 with the aim of promoting student exchange between the University and local institutions , as well as introducing the study opportunities available at Kyoto to Filipino students.

On the 21st, the officials visited the University of Santo Tomas (UST), where they met with Dr Marilu Rañosa-Madrunio (Dean of the Graduate School), Dr Elizabeth O Recio, Dr Nelson C Bool, and Dr Alejandro S Bernardo (Faculty Secretary). The delegates learned about UST's education and research activities, as well as its plans for future development. The meeting also included a discussion on possible collaboration between the two universities, and concluded with a UST facility tour.

On the morning of the following day, the Kyoto University representatives visited the headquarters of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). They first met with ADB President Takehiko Nakao, Mr Masashi Tanabe (Alternate Executive Director for Japan, ADB Board of Directors), and Mr Tatsuya Kanai (Senior Advisor, Office of Cofinancing Operations) to discuss the ADB-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP). The delegates then met with the team in charge of ADB-JSP to exchange views on how to enhance ADB-KyotoU collaboration.

In the afternoon, the group visited the University of the Philippines (UP) for a meeting with President Danilo Lardizabal Concepción, Dr Fernando C Sanchez Jr (Chancellor, UP Los Baños), Dr Jose V Camacho Jr, and Dr Salvador P Catelo. Kyoto University and the University of the Philippines are already operating regular student exchange programs together, and the discussion focused on the possibility of further expanding research and education collaboration, including student exchange.

At UST, front row, left to right: Dr Bernardo, Dean Rañosa-Madrunio, EVP Kawazoe, and Dr Recio; back row, left to right: Dr Bool, Ms Mika Kitano (International Education and Student Mobility Division, Kyoto University), Associate Professor Kwangmoon Kim (Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University), and Dr Junji Yamamoto (Deputy Director-General, Education Promotion and Student Support Department, Kyoto University)

At ADB, from left: Mr Kanai, Ms Kitano, Dr Yamamoto, EVP Kawazoe, ADB President Nakao, Associate Professor Kim, and Mr Tanabe

EVP Kawazoe and UP President Concepción

At UP, from left: Associate Professor Kim, Dr Camacho Jr, EVP Kawazoe, President Concepción, Chancellor Sanchez Jr, Dr Yamamoto, Dr Catelo, and Ms Kitano