Establishment of six new 'on-site labs' approved (23 July 2019)


Kyoto University launched an 'on-site laboratory' initiative in September 2018 as part of a strategy implemented under the education ministry's Designated National University (DNU) program. The initiative involves KyotoU departments/centers and their overseas partners collaboratively establishing laboratories, each to be hosted by either or both of the participating institutions and locally managed.

These centers are tasked with conducting world-leading advanced research, developing quality human capital, recruiting talented international students, and expanding collaboration with industrial partners. Through these efforts, Kyoto University aims to strengthen its institutional infrastructure with a view to playing a greater role in international academia and among the world's leading institutions, as well as further contributing to Japan's development and innovation.

Five on-site laboratories were established or approved for establishment in FY2018, with an additional six (listed below) approved for establishment by the end of the current fiscal year. This will bring the total to eleven.

Six on-site laboratories established/approved for establishment in FY2019

Laboratory name Graduate School/Institute involved Partner institution Date of establishment
Kyoto University Shanghai Lab Institute for Chemical Research Fudan University, China September 2019
Center for Advanced Genomic Field Science Primate Research Institute Makerere University, Uganda August 2019
iPS Cell Research Center at Gladstone Institutes Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA) Gladstone Institutes, USA September 2019
Quantum Nano Medicine Center Institute for Integrated Cell – Material Sciences (iCeMS), Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study (KUIAS) The University of California Los Angeles, USA October 2019
Comparative Cognitive Science Laboratory KUIAS University of Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle), France July 2019
Center for Integrated Biosystems iCeMS, KUIAS Academia Sinica, Taiwan December 2019

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