President Yamagiwa's MOOC "Evolution of the Human Society" updated (16 October 2017)


On 9 November, Kyoto University will start delivering an updated version of its 2015 massive open online course (MOOC), "Evolution of the Human Society" by President Juichi Yamagiwa.

The University began providing English MOOCs in 2014, where the original "Evolution of Human Society" debuted in October of the following year as a six-week lecture series.

For the updated version, almost half of the topics covered have been replaced with new ones -- such as "Exploring the process of human evolution from the perspective of primatology" --  reflecting the latest primatological research achievements, and to make the course appealing even to those who have completed the 2015 series. The delivery period is extended to ten months, during which participants can study at their own pace.

President Yamagiwa lecturing at his MOOC

Video recording for the MOOC

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