2021 KI-ZU-NA events

In other languages

Let's make Origami Christmas ornaments! (23 December 2021)

Sayohime English Rakugo Show (25 November 2021)


KI-ZU-NA Welcome Events (Fall 2021)

A series of special events held in September and October for newly enrolled international students

Online Picture Guessing Word Chain Game! (9 and 14 July 2021)

USA Day, Swedish Day, and German Day (14, 22, and 25 June 2021)

Swedish Day
German Day

Sayohime English Rakugo Show (22 March 2021)

KI-ZU-NA Welcome Weeks (Spring 2021)

A series of special events held in March for newly enrolled international students

KI-ZU-NA Welcome Weeks (Spring 2021)

Fortune in! Online Setsubun Workshop (12 February 2021)

KI-ZU-NA tutors and event participants