Swedish higher-education minister visits Uji Campus (7 October 2019)


On 7 October, a seven-member Swedish delegation, headed by Her Excellency Ms Matilda Ernkrans, minister for higher education and research, visited Uji Campus. The minister takes a lively interest in issues related to climate change, the environment, and sustainable development, and was in Japan to attend the 16th annual meeting of the STS forum, held 6–8 October in Kyoto.

Professor Takashi Watanabe, director of the Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), greeted the visitors with a welcome address, before two Uji-based faculty presented their research; Professor Hiroyuki Yano of RISH discussed his studies of new, plant-based materials, and Professor Ana Maria Cruz of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) presented on risk management for large-scale coastal disasters in urban areas.

The delegates then headed to RISH's Wood-Based Material Laboratory, where they observed experiments being conducted on plant-based materials. This was followed by a lunch meeting with seven KyotoU women researchers, held in a courtyard near Professor Yano’s laboratory. The occasion was arranged at the request of HE Minister Ernkrans herself, and enabled all present, including members of the Embassy of Sweden, to exchange views in a friendly atmosphere.

RISH Director Watanabe accepting a gift from HE Minister Ernkran

RISH Professor Yano describing equipment used in the Wood-Based Material Laboratory

DPRI Professor Cruz presenting her research

The Swedish delegation and Uji faculty