KyotoU GHG performance rated "S" by Kyoto City and Prefecture (22 December 2017 and 29 January 2018)


Kyoto University has received the highest possible rating of "S" for its three-year efforts through FY2016 to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission as per the "reduction planning and reporting" programs run by the city and prefecture of Kyoto.

Undertaken in accordance with the municipal and prefectural ordinances aimed at curbing global warming, these programs mandate "large-scale emitters", including Kyoto University, to set a three-year GHG reduction target and report on their results. The University had received an S rating for its FY2011-2013 performance as well.

Award ceremonies for the municipal and prefectural programs took place on separate days, on 22 December 2017 and on 29 January 2018, respectively. On behalf of Kyoto University, Dr Koichiro Oshima, director-general of the Health, Safety, and Environment Organization, attended both events to receive certificates and commemorative gifts, from Kyoto City Mayor Daisaku Kadokawa and from a prefectural representative.

The University's high GHG performance can be attributed to several effective emission-reduction measures, including the "environmental levy system", aimed at encouraging facility renovations to improve energy efficiency, and "cool biz"/"warm biz" seasonal energy-saving campaigns.

Kyoto University remains committed to ensuring effective implementation of its emission reduction as well as other sustainability measures.

Mayor Kadokawa (left) and Director-General Ohshima at the municipal award ceremony

Director-General Ohshima receiving the certificate from a Kyoto Prefecture official