Kyoto University Alumni Malaysia Founded (July 11, 2012)

Kyoto University Alumni Malaysia Founded (July 11, 2012)

Comprised primarily of former Kyoto University students from Malaysia, Kyoto University Alumni Malaysia was founded as a regional association of Kyoto University alumni in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. On July 11, gathered at the event were a total of fourteen people, consisting of former Malaysian students and Japanese graduates residing in or around Kuala Lumpur as well as university staff members.

Dr. Mahendra Varman from the secretariat served as the master of ceremonies at the inaugural ceremony. The event began with a speech by Executive Vice-President Yuzo Ohnishi in which he expressed his congratulations to the alumni association for its inauguration and talked about the current status of the Kyoto University Alumni as well as his expectations for the future development of friendly exchanges. Then, the chairman of the new alumni association, Dr. Mohd Hamdi Bin Abd Shukor (deputy vice-chancellor, the University of Malaya), took the podium and told the audience that it was a great honor to be able to make their contributions to Kyoto University and that the Malaysian alumni association has members at universities in different parts of the country. He also stated that they would like to actively work on strengthening ties among its members and with Kyoto University and Japan.

Organizers of the inaugural ceremony had also invited the members of Dark Blue no Kai, an association founded in 2010 of Japanese Kyoto University graduates residing in Malaysia. Dr. Hamdi, the chairman, told the participants that the new alumni association will be an organization for exchange among all those related to Kyoto University in Malaysia regardless of nationality or race.

The new alumni association is expected to help strengthen the network and reinforce Kyoto University's ties with Malaysia.

Executive Vice-President Ohnishi

Dr. Mohd Hamdi Bin Abd. Shukor, the association's chairman

Executive Vice-President Ohnishi and alumni association officers

Group photo