
Job Vacancy Announcement Associate Professor
Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University

1. Job title: an Associate Professor

2. Institution: Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
Division and Department:
Division of Plasma and Fusion Science, Department of Fundamental Energy Science

3. Job description:
Applications are invited for an associate professor in the Division of Plasma and Fusion Science, Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate of Energy Science, Kyoto University in broad areas related to fundamental plasma theory and simulation. The successful candidates will have a strong commitment to original theory and simulation research specifically in turbulence transport and MHD of magnetically confined fusion plasmas, high power laser-matter interactions and their applications, and also astrophysical and space plasmas. The candidates will also be expected to provide lectures in undergraduate and graduate course and also to supervise graduate students and post-doctoral researchers.

4. Specific Requirements:
A PhD (awarded) degree in plasma physics/engineering or related discipline. The position is unfixed term. The successful candidate will be expected to start working as soon as possible after the candidate is determined.

5. Application procedures
Candidates are requested to submit the following set of documents.

1) Curriculum Vitae with photograph
2) List of academic publication
3) Reprints of five important papers
4) Summary of research that the candidate has conducted (about 1,000 words)
5) Summary of research that the candidate intends to carry out at Kyoto University (about 1,000 words)
6) Recommendation letter or name and address including TEL/FAX number and e-mail address of two persons who can introduce the candidate

All documents must arrive by the deadline (December 1, 2005), and should be sent –preferably by registered mail– to the following aggress

Professor and Head of Fundamental Energy Science
Department of Fundamental Energy Science
Graduate School of Energy Science
Kyoto University
Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

Tel: +81-774-38-4430
e-mail : kishimoto@energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Note: Please write in vermilion on the envelop as “Application for an Associate Professor in the Division of Plasma and Fusion Science”

6. Further information
Please contact to Prof. Yasuaki KISHIMOTO
e-mail : kishimoto@energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tel: +81-774-38-4430, Fax: +81-774-32-9397

